The question I get almost every day is “How do I make more money?”
There is no easy answer to this. First, ask yourself "What is my income?" If you are in a career where advancing is not an option or further education is required than ask yourself "How can I make my money work for me instead of me working for my money?"
Alot of times people people are unsuccessful. Yes I said it. People are unsuccessful BECAUSE they work for their money and their income does not suffice their mental success goals. YOU CAN become RICH by changing your "right of mind". For me, "Right of mind" is mental success and how when one changes how they look at things they can change how things are by accepting things. It is not mind trickery or fooling yourself but it is accepting things for what they are, the way they are even if they cannot be changed right away or at all and by doing so you are giving yourself success through freedom from mental anguish and financial turmoil.
All evidence points to the fact that when you accept things for what they are there is no worrying left. For example, say you make $12.00/hr and work a 40 hour week, before taxes that is $480.00. Let's assume your single and your take home pay will be $400.00 a week. Monthly-$1600.00
Write a list of your basic needs debts:
Rent- $580.00/month
Cell- $70.00/month
Car Gas- $240/month
You will be paying $1330.00 for your basic needs and have left over $270.00 for miscellaneous.
As you can see I have added a weekly savings of $50 to the list of basic needs because I assume you do save for rainy days and if you do not I suggest you start. If you were to take $50 away from your check as soon as you cashed or deposited it at the end of one year you will have saved $2400.00. That's a pretty big chunk of change there.
If you are used to shopping and spending thoughtlessly, don't fret. You can still shop, you just have to use "Right of Mind". Take the space and time worrying filled and replace it with the in control you. Be in control of your spending and budget. Use Google to comparison shop, when shopping on buy used to save money, ebay is great too.
By changing your worrying into "Right of Mind" thinking you are freeing yourself in many ways. What that means is that we need to do everything we can to counteract mental negativity and make sure that our mental "Right of Mind" stays focused and we stay in control of the drivers seat instead of allowing mental garbage to overflow.
The bottom line is this – while you CANNOT automatically change your life through one change, you CAN enrich your outlook and take control of what is in your grasp through one change.
So it’s up to you – you can live your life constantly worrying and decaying your mind over what you cannot change or you can revive your mind and life through "Right of Mind." I definitely choose to.
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