Friday, August 23, 2013

Dragon Speak and Type Software: Shortcut or Time-saver?

The other day the Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking commercial popped into my head. Basically it is a wireless microphone and software, instead of typing just speak it. I am not lazy but this could really speed up all of my pre-written typing work. Instead of typing everything I could speak it and it gets typed for me. I think it would be a great investment since I plan on writing a lot more from now on.

One of their selling features is that creativity can be captured by spoken thoughts, this definitely is true. Every find yourself chatting yourself away? I am guilty of it. I have come up with some great ideas doing just that. So I am pretty sure that my mind will free up some enough to ignite more fire into the creativity chamber and blowtorch it out my mouth at a rapid rate.

After reading through a good amount of reviews on it seems that the 11.0 edition is better than the 12.0 edition. A lot of complaints on the new version were that it was slower and not as accurate as it should be and some people suggested the 11.0. So for literally 3 bucks less I am going for the 11.0.

I figure it is going to be go like this: there will be some days when my fingers want to tap on the old keyboard and get frustration out. Other days I will probably have a lot to say and maybe need to be mobile near my desk so dragon will work for me then. I have 2 pc's, a net book, a laptop and a tablet. Oh, and of course a smartphone. Some days I prefer my net book and others the laptop, guess it all depends on my sensory feelings that day.

With all that said, I have confirmed my decision and am paying for the item now. Hey, taking short cuts is not such a bad thing, people do it every day, why shouldn't I give it a try?! 

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