My Monday has been a mess since waking with a hangover-like headache, my husband's 3rd consecutive day of 103 fever and calling my sister to find out if Thursday would be a good day to meet at the bank to close out my mother's accounts. I was bombarded with excuses and then I was asked if I would be normal. Excuse me bitch, you are the incestuous child molester. The drunken cherry of my mess pie day was walking in the room to find the dog had climbed up on the night table to the dresser to get my book and chew off the back cover and pages. END RANT.
If the day didn't start out good I am sure as hell going to end it good. Teen Mom 3 is on tonight, one of my logos has been completed by the designer and pending my review and my web designer finally wrote back after 3 long days.
Oh and I found a BLOOD TYPE TEST KIT that I am ordering for my husband and I to test our blood types and rh factor which I will be blogging on as soon as I get it, so freaking excited!
It's my life and I suffer from the Mad Girl Blues. I write about my life, inspirational thoughts, diets, shopping, being a wife and whatever the hell else is on my mind.

Monday, August 26, 2013
My New Passion: Zecharia Sitchin Books
Since my mother passed away I have been looking for signs from her. The day she passed away I was driving home on the highway and ran into some bumper to bumper traffic due to road work and a white butterfly flew across right in front of me. I usually get toad rage and my mother was always the witness to it, but just for that car ride home I tried hard not to because I thought the butterfly was a sign from her. Also I am searching for answers here so I have been reading Zecharia Sitchin books of the Earth Chronicles collection that surpisingly my dad had the ones I did not have, and I am totally hooked.
In 2007, for a college assignment I did a paper on my historical roots where I interviewed my parents, my father gave me some good stories about his life growing up and my mother told me about how her family lost their bread & breakfast due to World War II and having to relocate and she also gave me a few family tree papers, some of which is in Hungarian so one day I am going to need a translator.
Taking things a step further I got my maternal mtDNA done, this was in 2007 and it probably cost round $300 but today I am so glad I did it. I am researching my roots further and want to know as much information as possible regarding my haplogroup and eventually would like to get my blood rh type. This is so exciting, I wonder if I am rh negative or positive and when I find out the answer will I be disappointed for whatever reason.
This reminds me of when I was 11 or 12, I would follow crime stories in the newspapers and save the articles with hopes that I could crack the case. A few weeks before my mother passed away she brought up how I was obsessed with some serial killer they had arrested (do not remember his name) and she thought it was a love obsession. This was not at all the case, I used to watch a show on PBS called "GhostWriter" and it was about a group of kids who with the help of a ghost pen cracked cases in their neighborhood. I am not sure if she believed me. That was not all, you could find me typing up gossip for my pretend news show. When I was younger I wanted to be a private investigator, I knew how to catfish or catch a catfish before the show "CATFISH" on MTV aired. My sisters friends would ask me to crack their boyfriends passwords, get into their instant messenger among many other requests.
So when I started reading "Genisis Revisited" by Zacharia Stitchin I was blown away and it brought all these memories into my head. My dog even decided to get in on the action by chewing the cover half off , the corner and the first couple pages, good thing I had read them already or she would have a photo on facebook with a dog shame poster around her neck reading "I chew my human's book while she was making my dinner and tired to chew it again instead of eating my food". Kinda like this one:
In 2007, for a college assignment I did a paper on my historical roots where I interviewed my parents, my father gave me some good stories about his life growing up and my mother told me about how her family lost their bread & breakfast due to World War II and having to relocate and she also gave me a few family tree papers, some of which is in Hungarian so one day I am going to need a translator.
Taking things a step further I got my maternal mtDNA done, this was in 2007 and it probably cost round $300 but today I am so glad I did it. I am researching my roots further and want to know as much information as possible regarding my haplogroup and eventually would like to get my blood rh type. This is so exciting, I wonder if I am rh negative or positive and when I find out the answer will I be disappointed for whatever reason.
This reminds me of when I was 11 or 12, I would follow crime stories in the newspapers and save the articles with hopes that I could crack the case. A few weeks before my mother passed away she brought up how I was obsessed with some serial killer they had arrested (do not remember his name) and she thought it was a love obsession. This was not at all the case, I used to watch a show on PBS called "GhostWriter" and it was about a group of kids who with the help of a ghost pen cracked cases in their neighborhood. I am not sure if she believed me. That was not all, you could find me typing up gossip for my pretend news show. When I was younger I wanted to be a private investigator, I knew how to catfish or catch a catfish before the show "CATFISH" on MTV aired. My sisters friends would ask me to crack their boyfriends passwords, get into their instant messenger among many other requests.
So when I started reading "Genisis Revisited" by Zacharia Stitchin I was blown away and it brought all these memories into my head. My dog even decided to get in on the action by chewing the cover half off , the corner and the first couple pages, good thing I had read them already or she would have a photo on facebook with a dog shame poster around her neck reading "I chew my human's book while she was making my dinner and tired to chew it again instead of eating my food". Kinda like this one:
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Health Warning. Do NOT Shampoo in the Shower!
DO NOT wash your hair in the shower!!
It's so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!!!
Shampoo Warning! I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME."
No wonder I have been gaining weight! Well! I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn Dishwashing Soap. It's label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE."
Problem solved! If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in the shower.
Mad Girl Blues
It's so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!!!
Shampoo Warning! I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME."
No wonder I have been gaining weight! Well! I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn Dishwashing Soap. It's label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE."
Problem solved! If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in the shower.
Mad Girl Blues
Friday, August 23, 2013
Symbolic Meaning Behind Gem Stones
Symbolic Meanings of Gem Stones
Agate – Courage, symbolizes 3rd Eye, gives a spiritual love of truth, banishes fears, hardens tender gums.
Alexandrite – Inner and outer regeneration, works on the crown chakra, brings general good fortune.
Amazonite – Strengthens the nervous system, used in ancient Egypt
Amber – Grounds and stabilizes, healing agent, acts as a filter, radiates light and heat.
Amethyst – Protection, spiritual attunement, gives visions or opens spiritual and psychic centers, reduces mental tension, induces pleasant healing dreams, prevents over indulgence and encourages transformation and breaking of bad habits.
Apatite – Clears confusion in the mental stratas
Aquamarine – Gives one direction in life and spiritual visions, lifts ones spirit, calms the nerves, protection at sea.
Azurite – jewel of wisdom, revitalizes damaged tissue, good use in hypnosis, stimulates thought, gives mental control.
Carnelian – Gives feeling of well-being, recycles past-life experiences, speeds up law of karma.
Cat’s Eye – Insight into one’s own faults, treats the eyes
Celestite – Communication with cosmic beings and beings of light.
Chrysoprase – Tranquilizer.
ChrysacoIla – Helps alleviate personal fears and guilt, gives clear-seeing, aids in Cancer therapy.
Citrine – Cheerfulness, control over emotions, clear thought, overcomes mental blocks.
Coral – Good for keeping thoughts in control for visualization and while meditating, helps arthritis.
Diamond – Respiratory problems, attunement to higher forces, best worn with other stones, opens Ajna and Crown Chakra.
Emerald – Meditation, healing, business success, it totally rejects evil; gives power to foretell future events, a link with spiritual forces.
Fluorite – Grounds, holds, directs excess energy for highest efficiency and to be used when needed, centering tool.
Garnet – Aids in remembering dreams, for going backwards in time, attracts profound love, gives persistence, cures depression, works on liver to relieve toxins in the body.
Hematite – Bestows wisdom, idealism and unselfishness on wearer, strengthens stomach and intestines when worn on solar plexus, helps stop bleeding.
Jade – Peace, tranquility, soothes the eyes and emotions, for going backwards in time, wisdom, universal attunement, gives long-life and a peaceful death.
Jasper – Improves sense of smell, strengthens one’s will to do good, balances the emotions
Kunzite – Balances emotional and mental bodies.
Laboradorite/Spectrolite – Symbol of opened Third Eye, gives one desire to perfect self balance and aura.
Lapis Lazuli – Stone of friendship, helps one to be more kind and helpful, spiritual attunement, connects us to our resonating star, it is a stone of fidelity.
Malachite – Prosperity, treats the eyes and abnormal blood sugar levels, treats circulatory diseases.
Moonstone – Calming, good for meditation, spiritual guidance and protection while traveling, prophecy, love stimulator, brings happy experiences to those who are sensitive.
Onyx – Stone of separation, can be used for purpose of release, to end a bothersome relationship.
Opal – Divination and prophecy, balances chakras, used for centering self, aids in channeling and teaching truths to others, psychic journeys, anchor of hope, stone of cupid.
Padparadsch – Knowledge of human nature, helps one to see through false friends, brings honor, wealth and friendship
Pearl – Associated with the ministry, wisdom through experience, quickens the law of karma, brings engagements and love relationships.
Peridot – Gift from the Sun, helps us open our inner sight to the spiritual Sun, develops inner vision and the ability to look into the future, frees one of jealous thoughts and counteracts negative emotions.
Quartz Crystal – Raises one’s vibration, bridges the material world with other realms, it has the ability to store and transmit energy, excellent for healing on all levels and for meditation.
Rhodochrosite – Rescue remedy stone, holds force fields with the aid of the Devic Kingdom, inspires forgiveness and heals emotions, attracts love into our life.
Ruby – Spiritual wisdom, focuses mental concentration on a specific thing, confidence – stone of life and energy.
Rutilated Quartz – Rutile in quartz magnifies the basic energy of the quartz and aids in the healing process.
Rose Quartz – Brings more love into the life, skin rejuvenation, kidneys. Sapphire – Treats mental illness, it attracts good people into the life, calms the nerves, suitable for meditation, gives pure insight and God truth, stone of chastity.
Smokey Quartz – Helps one get more in touch with nature, excellent for meditation and healing on the mental and etheric levels, carries an ultra sound frequency which enables one to develop clairaudience and mediumship.
Sodalite – Balances glands and metabolism, good for competitive sports, gives courage and endurance.
Staurolite – Protection, a sweet stone.
Topaz – For contacting astral beings, develops psychic abilities, gives glimpses of the beyond, overcomes fear of death, restores sense of taste, stimulates appetite, calms emotions, relieves tension, restores physical protection from falls and drowning.
Tiger Eye – Purifies the system after over-indulgence, protective stone, treats diseases of the eyes.
Tourmalinated Quartz – A light bringer, breaks up existing habits and conditioning standing in the way of one’s spiritual and physical progress.
Tourmaline – Balances and Protects.
Watermelon Tourmaline – Balances emotions, good for relationships and for those who are counselors, balances the metabolism.
Green Tourmaline – Business success, soothes the nerves, brings the brow and crown chakras into balance.
Pink Tourmaline – Works on the heart chakra, increases the will to love and to sacrifice.
Black Tourmaline – Very protective, good for those who have to deal with negativity.
Turquoise – Reminds us of our spiritual nature, gives protection, stone of friendship.
Zircon – Gives the ability to read images and symbols, a stone for communicating with the angels, gives safe passage wherever one travels and assures a warm reception.
Color of Stones Meanings
White Stones – Purifies physical, emotional, mental or etheric bodies.
Pink – Love, self-respect and self-worth.
Red – Energy, sex, courage.
Orange – Cheerfulness, frees one from too many responsibilities.
Yellow – Mental awareness, nerves.
Green – Healing, abundance, balance self-control.
Turquoise – Flashes of intuition, encounters from the past.
Sky Blue – Increases spiritual awareness.
Dark Blue, Indigo – Protection, strength, occult work, calms
Violet, Purple – Transformation, elevates the soul.
Gold – Wisdom, self-confidence, strengthens the heart.
Brown – Practicality, stabilizes.
Black – Abstract thought, protective, material world.
Aries – Ruby, Jasper – Red Stones
Taurus – Emerald – Green Stones.
Gemini – Diamond, Herkimer, Quartz – Yellow
Cancer – Moonstone, White Coral – White Stones.
Leo – Peridot, Gold Quartz, Citrine, Gold or Orange Stones.
Virgo – Sapphire, Carnelian, Agate – Dark Blue Stones.
Libra – Opal, Aventurine, Tourmalines – Pink Stones.
Scorpio – Garnet, Beryl, Topaz – Deep Red Stones.
Sagittarius – Topaz, Zircon, Turquoise – Sky Blue Stones.
Aquarius – Lapis Lazuli, Drusy Chrysacolla – Electric Blue.
Pisces – Aquamarine, Amethyst – Purple, Blue-Green Stones.
Birth Stones By Month
January – Garnet
February – Amethyst
March – Aquamarine
April – Diamond
May – Emerald
June – Pearl
July – Ruby
August – Peridot
September – Sapphire
October – Opal
November – Topaz
December – Turquoise
gem stone,
gem stones,
symbolic jewelry
Right of Mind: One Thing You Can Do That Will Change Your Life.
The question I get almost every day is “How do I make more money?”
There is no easy answer to this. First, ask yourself "What is my income?" If you are in a career where advancing is not an option or further education is required than ask yourself "How can I make my money work for me instead of me working for my money?"
Alot of times people people are unsuccessful. Yes I said it. People are unsuccessful BECAUSE they work for their money and their income does not suffice their mental success goals. YOU CAN become RICH by changing your "right of mind". For me, "Right of mind" is mental success and how when one changes how they look at things they can change how things are by accepting things. It is not mind trickery or fooling yourself but it is accepting things for what they are, the way they are even if they cannot be changed right away or at all and by doing so you are giving yourself success through freedom from mental anguish and financial turmoil.
All evidence points to the fact that when you accept things for what they are there is no worrying left. For example, say you make $12.00/hr and work a 40 hour week, before taxes that is $480.00. Let's assume your single and your take home pay will be $400.00 a week. Monthly-$1600.00
Write a list of your basic needs debts:
Rent- $580.00/month
Cell- $70.00/month
Car Gas- $240/month
You will be paying $1330.00 for your basic needs and have left over $270.00 for miscellaneous.
As you can see I have added a weekly savings of $50 to the list of basic needs because I assume you do save for rainy days and if you do not I suggest you start. If you were to take $50 away from your check as soon as you cashed or deposited it at the end of one year you will have saved $2400.00. That's a pretty big chunk of change there.
If you are used to shopping and spending thoughtlessly, don't fret. You can still shop, you just have to use "Right of Mind". Take the space and time worrying filled and replace it with the in control you. Be in control of your spending and budget. Use Google to comparison shop, when shopping on buy used to save money, ebay is great too.
By changing your worrying into "Right of Mind" thinking you are freeing yourself in many ways. What that means is that we need to do everything we can to counteract mental negativity and make sure that our mental "Right of Mind" stays focused and we stay in control of the drivers seat instead of allowing mental garbage to overflow.
The bottom line is this – while you CANNOT automatically change your life through one change, you CAN enrich your outlook and take control of what is in your grasp through one change.
So it’s up to you – you can live your life constantly worrying and decaying your mind over what you cannot change or you can revive your mind and life through "Right of Mind." I definitely choose to.
right of mind,
self help,
self love,
The Starfish Story: Meaning and Symbolic Jewelry
You may have heard this one, but I find that it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it every once in a while. First let me tell you the story, and then we can talk about it.
Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions.
The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!”
Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching. As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea. The boy came closer still and the man called out, ”Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young boy paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”
The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”
Adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley (1907 – 1977)
Perseverance against great odds and against the criticism of others is the very hallmark of value-based idealism, as is refusing to accept failure. The understanding that we hold in our hands the power to change a life, a mind, or a circumstance today – right now – is a powerful insight and motivator. At the same time, idealistic acts, even highly symbolic ones, have the power to inspire others to act, and sometimes in numbers significant enough to make a major or even complete impact on the problem at hand. Perhaps most inspiring of all is to witness the idealistic power of children and young people in action. The idealism of youth is a powerful force for leading change in the world. Often it is our youth who put into action values that we have instilled in them – but have failed to act on ourselves. The world, therefore, depends on the idealism of youth to lead the way.
When I first read this story it touched me greatly. It is simple but has such meaning to it. It reminded somewhat of "The Life of Pi" and so I decided to incorporate the story into a blog post about "Starfish Jewelry".

It seems like something like is common sense, and maybe it is but a lot of people these days get lost. Lost in their career, school, family, or struggle with addiction or mental illness. Take some time in your life to remember the things you love and why you love them. Look at old pictures, maybe the spouse you have been fighting with for so long, who you stopped admiring, can be re-evaluated by remembering the love and what brought the 2 of you together.
Wearing a piece of jewelry, like a starfish ring can be your private promise you make to yourself. Maybe you spend your days in a hostile work environment, and instead of picking up chocolate or candies or harboring negative feelings inside you can look down at your ring and remember your promise and acknowledge that other people's bad attitudes and negative demeanor is not at all about you and maybe they just need a starfish ring.
OR maybe you just love starfishes and can't get enough of them because they look like a star but not quite entirely and since you're like a shining star you needed a starfish ring because you're FABULOUS!
Dragon Speak and Type Software: Shortcut or Time-saver?
The other day the Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking commercial popped into my head. Basically it is a wireless microphone and software, instead of typing just speak it. I am not lazy but this could really speed up all of my pre-written typing work. Instead of typing everything I could speak it and it gets typed for me. I think it would be a great investment since I plan on writing a lot more from now on.
One of their selling features is that creativity can be captured by spoken thoughts, this definitely is true. Every find yourself chatting yourself away? I am guilty of it. I have come up with some great ideas doing just that. So I am pretty sure that my mind will free up some enough to ignite more fire into the creativity chamber and blowtorch it out my mouth at a rapid rate.
After reading through a good amount of reviews on it seems that the 11.0 edition is better than the 12.0 edition. A lot of complaints on the new version were that it was slower and not as accurate as it should be and some people suggested the 11.0. So for literally 3 bucks less I am going for the 11.0.
I figure it is going to be go like this: there will be some days when my fingers want to tap on the old keyboard and get frustration out. Other days I will probably have a lot to say and maybe need to be mobile near my desk so dragon will work for me then. I have 2 pc's, a net book, a laptop and a tablet. Oh, and of course a smartphone. Some days I prefer my net book and others the laptop, guess it all depends on my sensory feelings that day.
With all that said, I have confirmed my decision and am paying for the item now. Hey, taking short cuts is not such a bad thing, people do it every day, why shouldn't I give it a try?!
The 5 Types of Bracelets Every Woman Should Own.
Bangle and Cuff Bracelets

Tennis Bracelets

Charm Bracelets
There are two types of charm bracelets. The first is a chain bracelet to which a variety of playful, traditional or sentimental charms are attached. Italian charm bracelets are a linked bracelet. Italian charms are small glass rectangles that can be inserted into the bracelet. Unlike the whimsy of a traditional charm bracelet, Italian charm bracelets are flat, practical and easy to wear every day. Charms can reflect your family, travels or personal interests.
Beaded Bracelets
One of the most common types of bracelets is a beaded bracelet. These may have a clasp or be stretchy and can be made of glass, crystal or semi-precious beads.
All of these types of bracelets can be found at
Turn the Negative into Positive
With all the negative things happening to my family and I throughout our lives, I decided it was about time to flip it around and make things positive for myself. I am opening my business online, even though I lost confidence in myself after the last business with my ex crumbled in front of me due to the economy I figure that if I can survive that and survive watching both my parents die in front of me from cancer that I am strong enough to start up again.
I am both excited and nervous. It takes time for my type of online business but I know it will work out in the end.
I am both excited and nervous. It takes time for my type of online business but I know it will work out in the end.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Never be ashamed of who you are
Never be ashamed of who you are
for we all fall from the same star
the universe is so big
there is no need to hide
we all have demons inside
Be who you are meant to be
without you here
the world would be plain to see
For if you cover, run and hide
the you you are deep down inside
pulls the you you show outside
into a dark abyss
Be you, shout and be free
be the star you are meant to be
shine bright for all to see
for we all fall from the same star
the universe is so big
there is no need to hide
we all have demons inside
Be who you are meant to be
without you here
the world would be plain to see
For if you cover, run and hide
the you you are deep down inside
pulls the you you show outside
into a dark abyss
Be you, shout and be free
be the star you are meant to be
shine bright for all to see
inner peace,
self love,
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A Mother's Love for her Daughter
My mother became very spiritual after she became sick. She didn't sweat the small stuff. Meditating, finding peace with her inner self, and accepting things for what they were became the new her. Every time we spoke on the phone she would ask if she could read me a quote, she would say "Do you want to hear this quote?" I would say yes sometimes and the rest of the time say, not right now. She marked those quotes, I found them with arrow stickers in the books she read.
After my divorce from my ex, I felt hopeless and lost. I was with him for 11 years, from 14 years old. He became my life. I was mourning the loss of "he and I=us", I wanted to go to Florida, mom was worried someone would steal me and she insisted on coming along. We had a great time despite my sour mood most of the time but she understood, she was good like that.
For the next 2 years, on and off I struggled with alcohol and poor choices. She stood by my side. Even after getting a D.U.I. she was there for me, as was my father. I attended drunk driver classes and some therapy and finally picked myself up. I went on dates by myself and for myself and one ngiht at Barnes & Noble I bought a book, I'll Always Be Your Daughter: A Fable for Mothers & Daughters by Carol Lynn Pearson. I gave it to my mother and she cried. It touched her and my father. I felt they understood me a little better after that. I have that book now, haven't read it since I bought it for her, one day when I am stronger and don't cry as much at the thought of her I will read it. I recommend the book as a gift for any day. It's a fable of how two trees beautifully chronicles a daughter's journey to adulthood and the ever-changing complex, and powerfully loving relationship between a mother and daughter. A celebration of the love between mothers and daughters.
Godaddy Coupon promo code- 35% off your order.
This coupon promo code works, just enter it in at checkout for 35% off your order.
35% off your order- WOW1718
How to keep your costume jewelry blingin' on...
Jewelettes, we have some great tips on making your costume jewelry last and looking new. Wearing your costume pieces everyday may make them tarnish faster.
1. Put costume jewelry pieces on last. Avoid applying lotion, perfume or other applied products to the area where you will be wearing your piece. Spray perfume around it and not directly on the skin near it because the metal will absorb it and accelerate tarnishing.
2. You can paint your items with clear nail polish to add a little barrier of protection especially to the side that rests on your skin. You can also use it if there is ever peeling paint on an item.
3. To clean your jewelry, make sure not to use any solutions intended for precious metals and stones.
4. To clean rhinestones, you can take cloth or a soft toothbrush barely damp with diluted white vinegar.
5. Store your costume jewelry pieces in a cool, dry place such as a jewelry box, plastic zip bags, or a soft lined dust cover/bag.
Do you have any tips or tricks, if so please comment!
The Best Year-Round Accessory Every Woman Must Own!
I love accessorizing! Earrings, gimme that pair. Belts, yes. Necklaces, pendant or no pendant- yes please! Rings, the bigger the bling makes the ring! One accessory that can play down a wild design or edgy pattern, dazzle up a old favorite or put a pop on solid colored outfits is a plain old scarf.
A scarf, also known as a muffler, or wrap is a specialty piece of fabric worn around the neck, head or waist. There are also larger pieces called shawls that are worn over the head, or shoulders and wrapped to the front.
A scarf, also known as a muffler, or wrap is a specialty piece of fabric worn around the neck, head or waist. There are also larger pieces called shawls that are worn over the head, or shoulders and wrapped to the front.
Silk Scarves:
This light and radiant fabric has a smooth texture that feels great against the skin and drapes wonderfully.
Leopard Print Scarf
There is not one place I wouldn't wear a leopard print scarf to. Bring out your inner catty self with a leopard print scarf. Goes good with wool coats to jean jackets. Perfect with solid colors like red, black, brown, tan and yellow.
Floral Print Scarves
Floral prints are not only for Spring and Summer seasons. Get your rose on year-round. It's all about the colors of your outfit and how you wear it. I love, love, love pairing floral print scarves with stripes. What a statement look!
Infinity Scarf
Often called a chunky, loop or circle scarf. The infinity scarf is a must-have because of the flexibility of the look. They come in all kinds of colors, materials and sizes. Made in all types of materials such as cotton, silk, wool or even fur.
There are so many other types of scarves, I introduced only a few of my favorites. When my mother, Aniko, was alive, she loved to spruce up her outfits, especially work outfits with scarves and I inherited her scarf collection. I have to say that my mother had a great sense of style throughout the years and took care of her clothes and scarves. I hope to pass the scarves on to my daughter one day (if I ever get so lucky to have one) because scarves are here to stay! Scarf on ladies!
You can find scarves on our website at
You can find scarves on our website at
Monday, August 19, 2013
Hot Flairs Accessory Auctions: Jewelry Flash Sales and Auctions on Facebook.
Hot Flairs Accessory Auctions is an f-commerce based brand that offers the latest designer & designer inspired jewelry, all under $60! Prior to launching, founder Christina Graciani trained her eye working at Fashionable Statements as an accessory and handbag buyer. She scours the marketplace to find the best jewelry trends at affordable prices, offering a variety of styles in necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings and just in time for Christmas!
Here’s how it works: Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30pm ET the sale/auction is held on Hot Flairs Accessory Auctions Facebook page ( During each auction, a select number of each style of jewelry is offered and you simply enter your email address and quantity requested, and the pieces is yours. Shipping is free and most items are shipped within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Throughout the week, the Facebook page also features fast-flash sales and sneak-peak previews.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
When we die...
It's been 8 days and some hours since my mother passed away from stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Each morning, just for the first 30 seconds I forget that she is gone. Everyone says, she is in heaven with your father and I just think to myself, the priest says she is sleeping until G-d awakens her to enter heaven. I was never too religious, I went to church every sunday and on holidays as a child and even attended religious instructions classes and I do not recall having learned that. Was it my mild autistic ways that prevented the soaking of this information into my brain? I always thought, you follow the commandments and you go to heaven. Learning this caused me to re-evaluate my religion choice. I believe that we go on, our energy and/or soul moves into the universe, there is a higher power/being. The answers are somewhere in the universe.
Another thing that has always bothered me was the chanting, "we believe in one g-d, the father almighty......" It never set quite well with me. It felt cult-ish. After my father got sick, we did continue to go to church but he began reading Zecharia Sitchin's books and others of the sort. I always felt he questioned things too. When my mother got sick, I was 20, partying and doing my own thing I could have been there for her more. Dad and her go through it together, they supported and leaned on each other. He always used to tell her that she didn't understand what he was going through and now she did. So if I question or doubt G-d I will not be allowed in his kingdom?
Life is hard, not knowing what happens when we die sucks and what is worse is that in our lifetime there is only 2 things we all pretty much have to do:
1. Pay Taxes
2. Die
So make moment count. It's not always about material items, make memories.
Another thing that has always bothered me was the chanting, "we believe in one g-d, the father almighty......" It never set quite well with me. It felt cult-ish. After my father got sick, we did continue to go to church but he began reading Zecharia Sitchin's books and others of the sort. I always felt he questioned things too. When my mother got sick, I was 20, partying and doing my own thing I could have been there for her more. Dad and her go through it together, they supported and leaned on each other. He always used to tell her that she didn't understand what he was going through and now she did. So if I question or doubt G-d I will not be allowed in his kingdom?
Life is hard, not knowing what happens when we die sucks and what is worse is that in our lifetime there is only 2 things we all pretty much have to do:
1. Pay Taxes
2. Die
So make moment count. It's not always about material items, make memories.
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