Wednesday, July 24, 2013


My mom told me to come Friday but I couldn't wait. I'm with her now. She is sleeping and looks so beautiful and peaceful.

I took her to get her prescription filled for morphine, we went to duane reade. The pharmicist was a gray haired old bitch who looked as if she hadn't had dick and needed it badly. My mom handed her the prescription and asked her if she has this prescription. She said "you mean medicine" my mom said yes. I felt it was so rude and insensitive of her to respond to my mom like that when she knew the prescription was for morphine which is mostly given to terminally ill people, she clearly understood what she meant and she was just being snobby. My mother speaks 4 languages and was just told she needs hospice, I think she is entitled to being treated with respect. I'm going to give them a piece of my mind.

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