Monday, July 22, 2013

Thai iced tea, why is it so damn good?

I love thai iced tea. When I lived in NYC I was able to get it delivered with ease but since moving to south jersey it was hard for me to find. I went on and found no thai places that delivered to me, was never an option or like of mine but they too had places then there was I found a place that delivers to me. I did not feel much like thai so an order of one thai iced tea was not acceptable. Then there was tutti frutti, a self serve ice cream place that was in a local shopping center. They offered bubble tea, I love bubble tea as well.

My husband and I went in with a buy one get one free coupon and there it was, thai milk bubble tea. So similar in taste plus added tapioca balls- AHH-MAZING!

I have yet to research the contents, health benefits and other important information about thai iced tea and bubble teas but its on my to do list.

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