Sunday, April 28, 2013

5 things I wish someone told me when I started my business.

1. Eye on the prize whether the trail is rocky or smooth. Just do it and get it done.

2. Don't compare your business or idea to others, your differences is what will make or break you, so keep the focus on being your best.

3. Find what works and keep doing it. It's like learning the multiplication chart, do it over and over until you got it down right.

4. You can't be the best at everything, this is one of those times when its okay to not be a know it all. Your weakness is someone elses strength and vice versa.

5. Be positive.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Night owl

The big apple, the city that never sleeps. I am beginning to think has rubbed off on me more than I like. Its 4am in a qiet home in South Jersey and I can't sleep. I cut down on simple carbs and have been more energized, less sluggish and have a case of insomnia. Ear plugs-check, body pillow between legs-check, tiredness-ding. Occasionally I have been unable to sleep in the past when my ex-husband would snore. It got so bad we ended up having seperate rooms. My current husband snores as well he sleeps on the couch and I have the entire bed to myself, great. But only if it were so great I would be asleep right now.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nyc subway vision

I'm Chrissy. I am from nyc, went to public school and am a product of 2 different culture foreigners. I have a need to vent, this need has been the cause of a few breakups. I guess I don't know when to shut up so I decided that in this world of millions of people there would be one or 2 interested or amused by what I have to say.

I like to curse, is that allowed on here? I hope so. I am 29 but turning the BIG 30 next week. Feeling like the youth is gone but that could have been when I got married so I don't know. Being married is great if you're married to the right person. Of course that is common sense or is it? Some people settle for some odd reason, they usually end up divorced.

The NYC subway is rough on a rainy day like today. I am hesitant to ride into Manhattan because when it rains some people tend to smell. I don't know why but its as if they rubbed their body over wet newspapers, coins and dog. On my way home the other night some guy in athletic pants was rubbing on and itching his sausage. I couldn't help but look, he saw me staring. We were both standing near the door and the train was approaching the stop and slowing down, I saw his creepy eye looking at me. Nothing tops being sitted and have a nice, in shape, and decent looking man in a fitting pair of pants standing in front of you. Its a sausage fest, some lean to the right and some to the left and there are ones thatcant be found. Occasionally there will be a man who is seating and his pants are either too tight or he is just all balls and exposing a "camel toe sack". Believe me I try to read my newspaper but my eyes magnetize elsewhere.